Give Us a Break!

We are West Seattle residents who want a moratorium on Sound Transit's Link extension to our neighborhood. We've watched as this project has run off the rails, failing to live up to the promises made to voters who approved ST3 in 2016. Here are some of the issues we have with this project.
Huge cost over-runs, doubling the cost of the project.
Years after ST3 was approved by voters, as many as 1,400 homes and businesses were finally notified by Sound Transit that their properties might be negatively affected by this project. This information should have been disclosed before the vote.
ST3 means loss of housing during a housing shortage, and a blow to the local economy.
Sound Transit wants to drop one of the three stations promised, at Avalon, to save money.
There is no coherent plan - endless "preferred alternatives" are presented then revised or scrapped. The scope of the project is unclear at this point.
All ST3 will deliver to West Seattle is a ride from the Junction to SODO, at a cost of $3 - 4 billion. Metro's #50 bus already covers that route, and serves many more people than light rail will because it starts picking up riders at Alki Beach, through the Admiral District, along the California Ave SW corridor to the Junction, and from there at various stops along the way, including Avalon and Delridge. It makes no sense to duplicate that route.
Despite numerous requests from residents, Sound Transit refuses to hold project update meetings in the neighborhood to speak directly to riders who live here and use transit.
Residents who go to Sound Transit's offices for meetings are limited to just 30 - 60 seconds to give their comments.

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Photo: company website

Photo: company website